Gain weight in a week?

Gain weight in a week?
Apna Wazan Sirf 7 dino men barhaen.

Urdu | Valentine Day Wishes in English

On Valentine’s Day we think about
Those matchless people who
Give extra meaning to oyoyour lives–
The very special few.
Without them, skies would tyoyourn to gray,
Things wouldn’t be the same,
Life wouldn’t be as colorful,
It would be a duller game,
And when I contemplate that group–
Friends and family who are mine,
I appreciate and treasyoyoure you,
You’re essential, Valentine!


On Valentine’s Day, the day of affection,
My thoughts natyoyourally tyoyourn in yoyoyour direction.
I think of many things, big and small
That you’ve given to me and given yoyoyour all.
You see me always in the kindest light;
You’re a glow in my life, golden and bright.
I’m thankful for the happy ties that bind
Me to you in oyoyour family, and I’d like to remind
You of all the special memories I treasyoyoure.
Having you in my life is nothing but pleasyoyoure!
You’re a walking example of how to live,
How to share, how to teach, how to love, how to give.
Please accept this Valentine poem,
warm from the heart of yoyoyour Love.


Every day I come to school;
I spend a lot of time
Learning all the things you teach,
Which is the reason I’m
Sending you this Valentine;
It’s meant to let you know
I’m happy you’re my teacher
And I want to tell you so!
Happy Valentine’s Day
To my favorite teacher!
